Friday, December 5, 2008

unpleasant realization

is this how my kids will remember their childhoods?

but what do you do when your kids are just mean on purpose? ??  really, what do you do?

you can't let them hit their siblings, carve holes in the wall, spit water in your face without some sort of consequence, right?  we don't believe corporal punishment really works, so we don't spank.  the naughty chair seems to have its limits.  i find myself getting more and more frustrated and more and more sharp with them, since all i have are words.

i was watching a show last night, and one of the side stories involved a man who was physically abusing his wife.  what took me by surprise was the way he talked to her--the tone of voice, not any specific  words he used--reminded me of the tone i use at around 6:00 every night when the kids are destroying the house, each other, and generally being super naughty.  i felt so bad.  i'm sure it just makes them all the naughtier. 

so what do you do, when your angels are not acting the part?  

got this to read: anyone tried it?


Hot Diggity Daws said...

Seriously, sometimes things do come out really ugly. One thing I have noticed with my most difficult child #2, I may scream and it has NO effect on him, if I use a quite voice his responds. It is really shocking.

Also I was thinking how often do we put the kids off when they ask for something.. oh in a minute, hold on, then totally forget and don't do it till they are whacking us? All the time for me. Yet I want the kids to jump and do exactly as I asked, or atleast show very early signs of processing and heading to do what they were told. Poor modeling on my part!

I really struggle with this same problem now that the 2 youngest have started hitting and biting instead of crying alot. Now what? My pediatrician said that we have to be consistant I realized I am a caver. If he asks 8 times and I get sick of him asking I will just give in. THe doctor said, if he knows on the tenth time you will cave, he will just keep asking. We have seen progress on this front since I became aware of my mistake.

Hot Diggity Daws said...

New Year, Time to bust out with some new adventures in Project Perfect!!! I started training for a spring triathlon that is May9th!!